Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Receive Your Dental Crowns in a Single Visit

Jan 15, 2014 @ 10:25 PM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Dental Crowns Cerec

When patients’ teeth have been significantly weakened from injury or decay, they want to regain a full, healthy smile as soon as possible. Dental crowns are a reliable and effective way of protecting teeth from further damage, but they normally require multiple office visits before the procedure is complete. Now, with in-office CEREC, our patients can receive their crowns and other ceramic restorations on the same day as their initial appointment. If you are in need of crowns for one or more teeth, here is what you can expect from the efficient technology offered at our Edmonton office.   

Candidates for Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are typically used to protect teeth that have been weakened to the point that they are in danger of being lost completely. With a permanent crown, patients can address a number of restorative and cosmetic problems, including:

Because a crown simply caps a tooth and is a minimally invasive treatment, most patients are potentially good candidates. Speak with your dentist to gain a better understanding of how you may benefit from a dental crown or alternative restoration.

Get Your Crowns in a Day

Traditionally, most dentists require multiple visits to complete the installation of dental crowns. At our cosmetic dentistry office, however, your crowns can be prepared, crafted, and installed in a single day. Here’s how it works:

Other ceramic restorations, such as porcelain veneers, inlays, and onlays, follow a similar procedure. Once your dentist has determined the best treatment for you, the health and appearance of your smile can be significantly improved in just one appointment.

Benefits of CEREC Crowns

By having your crowns created right in our dental office, you gain a variety of benefits:

Learn More about Instant Restorations

Dental crowns and similar ceramic restorations can save your teeth, both cosmetically and structurally. With the efficiency and reliability of our CEREC technology, restoring your smile has never been easier. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Podilsky or to learn more about our treatments offered.