No Dairy After Dental Implant Surgery: Fact or Myth? By Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky on July 03, 2023

Woman drinking a glass of milk

The healing period following dental implant surgery is crucial for a successful outcome. If you haven’t already, you’ll be provided with a detailed list of aftercare instructions. Until then, you might have heard you shouldn’t eat dairy products after implant surgery. But is this true? At our Edmonton, AB, dental practice, we don’t follow this recommendation and in this blog post, we’ll explain why.

Do Dairy Products Actually Cause Inflammation?

This theory is so pervasive that you’ve likely heard it long before you were considering dental implants. The truth is, unless you have an allergy like lactose intolerance, it simply isn’t true. In the September, 2020, issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, the results of 27 clinical trials were analyzed to answer this question. In their article, the authors concluded, “The available literature suggests that dairy products and dairy proteins have neutral to beneficial effects on biomarkers of inflammation.”

What Does This Mean for Dental Implant Patients?

Clearing up this misconception is beneficial because you will be encouraged to eat soft foods during the recovery period. Some go-to soft foods often contain dairy, including:

  • Yogurt
  • Cheesy scrambled eggs
  • Smoothies

What’s more, these foods are high in protein – an important tool to aid in the body’s healing response.

What Foods Should I Avoid?

Following dental implant placement, the treatment site will be sensitive and needs to be protected. Your post-operative instructions will likely discourage you from consuming:

  • Hard foods like nuts and raw vegetables
  • Anything that could get trapped in the treatment site like popcorn
  • Very hot foods and drinks like coffee and soup

If you’re unsure about any food in particular, reach out to our Edmonton office and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

More Tips for a Smooth Recovery

Another reason dairy’s gotten a bad rap is because, in some people, it can trigger nausea and vomiting. If you have this type of history, err on the side of caution. Vomiting in the days following dental implant surgery can have serious consequences. It can compromise your oral hygiene, introduce damaging stomach acids, and increase the likelihood that debris will become stuck in the treatment site.

Another tip? It’s incredibly important to stay hydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water and clear liquids, like broth (always test the temperature first!). If you have trouble drinking water, try flavoring it with slices of citrus or fruits like strawberries. Fruits like watermelon can also be a great source of water. Puree them into a smoothie for an even safer post-operative meal or snack.

Learn More - Contact Our Edmonton Office Today

Dental implants are the gold standard for missing teeth. We’re happy to hear you’re considering this option because it offers health benefits that cannot be matched by traditional bridges and dentures.

We take care to carefully oversee every stage of the implant process for our patients. Patient education sets the stage for a smooth surgery and recovery. Get started today by emailing our office to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!

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Dr. Podilsky and Dr. Spicer are qualified to care for your smile:

  • Over 40 years of experience
  • Membership with the Canadian Dental Association
  • Dedicated to ongoing training 
  • Membership with the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

To schedule your consultation, contact us online or call us today at (780) 428-6846.

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