Can You Get Invisalign® If You Have a Crown or Other Restoration? By Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky on June 14, 2023

Man holding Invisalign tray

By now you know that Invisalign® is a great alternative to braces because the trays are clear, removable, and require no brackets or wires. But if you have dental crowns or other restorations, you might be wondering if you qualify for treatment. At my dental practice in Edmonton, AB, we have helped a large number of patients in your exact situation. Many people with crowns and other dental restorations are good candidates for Invisalign and in this blog post, we’ll explain why. To make it simple, let’s look at a handful of examples.

You Have Existing Crowns or Veneers

Crowns are a trusted solution for a variety of cosmetic and restorative problems, which means that a substantial number of people have them. Because Invisalign is especially popular among adults, obviously a greater number of those candidates will have had dental work in the past.

As long as the tooth is tightly capped and the perimeter is sealed properly, your aligners can be fabricated to accommodate and move the crowned tooth just like any other tooth. In some cases, we might bond small attachments in place – either over restorations or on the surface of your natural teeth – to increase traction and facilitate movement.

Veneers are similar to crowns in regards to the fact that teeth with veneers can likely be moved fairly easily during Invisalign treatment.

You Require a Crown During Invisalign Treatment

If you’re asking if Invisalign treatment can proceed if you require a dental crown mid-treatment, the answer is still yes. However, your pre-fabricated custom trays might not fit as well as they did before. An accurate fit is one of the keys to the aligners’ effectiveness, so we will scan your mouth again, provide that information to the Invisalign labs, and you can pick up where you left off. Your treatment timeline might be extended slightly and it will increase the overall cost.

Dental Bridges

Traditional bridges are supported by crowned teeth so as long as you have good oral health and the restoration is sturdy, you may be able to qualify for Invisalign. Like crowns, we’ll make sure to carefully evaluate your unique situation.

Implant-Supported Restorations

Traditional crowns and bridges only affect the visible portion of the teeth that lies above the gumline. Implants, in contrast, replace missing tooth roots. These devices are immovable. In some cases, we might be able to work around them, but it will require a more complex approach.

Takeaways & Finishing Touches

Unless you already have dental restorations, you should know that Invisalign is most effective when it is the first step in your overall treatment plan. Once a foundation of straight, healthy teeth has been established, finishing touches like veneers or cosmetic crowns can be placed at our Edmonton office to complement your appearance.

Similarly, teeth whitening can be performed once you complete your orthodontic treatment and any restorations you have placed afterwards will be matched to that shade.

In fact, Invisalign, whitening, and veneers – in that order – are a popular combination to create what we call a smile makeover.

Learn More About Your Candidacy in an Invisalign Consultation

Each smile and Invisalign treatment plan are unique. You can learn more about your options by reaching out to our Edmonton team today. Message us to get started.

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Dr. Podilsky

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Dr. Podilsky and Dr. Spicer are qualified to care for your smile:

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  • Membership with the College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

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