Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Can Retainers Move Teeth Back?

Dec 19, 2022 @ 11:49 PM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Invisalign

Dental misalignment and malocclusion problems are common concerns. When the jaw and teeth sit out of their intended position, it is difficult for people to bite, chew, and speak properly. Misalignment also has a significant impact on the appearance of the smile.

Orthodontics shift the teeth and jaw to put them in their proper position. However, many people are reluctant to undergo orthodontic treatment with traditional braces. At his Edmonton, AB, dental practice, Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky is frequently asked, “Can retainers move teeth back?” Here, Dr. Podilsky discusses the use of retainers in orthodontic treatment and goes over other orthodontic techniques that can effectively treat misalignment without metal brackets and wires.

Retainers for Orthodontic Treatment

Retainers are an integral part of orthodontic treatment. However, retainers are not typically used to move the teeth back into proper alignment. Instead, retainers are generally used after orthodontic treatment is complete.

Retainers are usually worn throughout the day for several weeks after braces or Invisalign treatment to hold the teeth and jaw in their proper position. Following that brief timeframe, patients are advised to wear retainers while they sleep. When used in this way, retainers support the position of the teeth and jaw to maintain orthodontic treatment results.

Although retainers are not often used to move the teeth, they may be an effective orthodontic solution in select cases. If a patient has very mild spacing issues or mild misalignment, the use of a retainer may be enough to effectively improve the position of the teeth and enhance the smiles’ appearance.

Clear Aligners for Orthodontic Treatment

Retainers are a viable orthodontic treatment option for a very small group of our Edmonton patients, but many are candidates for Invisalign. Invisalign may be a great option for patients who want the convenience of retainers combined with the effectiveness of braces. Invisalign aligners are removable like retainers, and they are free of the metal brackets and wires associated with braces.

Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gradually shift the teeth and jaw until they are properly aligned. Invisalign aligners are worn throughout the day, except when a person eats, drinks, or brushes their teeth. Aligners place subtle pressure on the teeth that encourages necessary movement. Invisalign works as effectively as braces but is far more comfortable, convenient, and discreet.

Which Orthodontic Treatment Is Right for Me?

The orthodontic treatment that is right for each of our Edmonton patients depends largely on the degree of malocclusion problems. Very minor problems may respond well to retainers, but most orthodontic issues require Invisalign or traditional braces. Dr. Podilsky educates patients about the orthodontic treatments that will be effective for them and helps them choose a technique that best meets their unique needs and desires.

Get In Touch

If you are looking for a solution for crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky would be happy to provide you with more information about the orthodontic treatments offered at DentaCare Group. To schedule an appointment at our dental practice, send us a message online or call (780) 428-6846 at your earliest convenience.