Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Adult Orthodontics: Enhance Your Oral Appearance

Feb 17, 2022 @ 07:50 PM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatments slowly shift teeth into a more favorable position. Doing so helps patients avoid dental damage, disease, and dysfunction like cavities, gum disease, and dysphagia. At DentaCare Group, our team of Edmonton, AB, dental professionals provides quality orthodontic treatments focused on improving the function and appearance of smiles.

If you’re considering orthodontia as an adult, then you might be wondering if adult orthodontics are right for you. Here, our knowledgeable team will address common questions about adult orthodontics, as well as explore the many smile-correcting options available to you. 

Am I Too Old for Adult Orthodontics?

There are many factors that our dental team considers when creating orthodontic treatment plans, but age is seldom a determining factor. It’s true that children and teens are usually associated with orthodontic treatments, but orthodontia does not lose its effectiveness as we age.

In fact, there are an estimated 1.7 million Canadian and American adults who are currently undergoing orthodontic treatments. This is due, in part, to the development of more comfortable and discreet orthodontic appliances, like Invisalign®, that appeal to older teens and adults. 

How Can Adult Orthodontics Improve My Oral Health?

Misaligned teeth are more difficult to keep clean, and malocclusion placec uneven pressure on the teeth and jaw. Together, these issues can lead to extensive dental damage, disease, and dysfunction.

Adult orthodontics align the teeth in a way that makes them easier to clean and maintain. Subsequently, our adult patients are able to keep their natural teeth for longer with adult orthodontics. 

I’m Missing Some Teeth - Can I Still Get Orthodontic Treatment?

In general, most patients with minimal tooth loss may still be acceptable candidates for adult orthodontics. Missing teeth may be an obstacle in your treatment plan, but our dedicated team will work tirelessly to find a suitable solution.

Depending on the extent and manner of tooth loss, our Edmonton team may choose to close the gap by shifting neighboring teeth closer. Other patients may benefit more from replacing the missing tooth with a restorative dental bridge or implant while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Regardless, our team will help you make the best decision for you and your oral health goals. 

What Are My Options?

At DentaCare Group, we have three, exceptional orthodontic solutions for adults:


Invisalign clear aligners are incredibly popular among adult patients because of their unparalleled comfort and discretion. Treatment success is contingent upon patients’ willingness to wear their aligners for the prescribed 20 to 22 hours a day. Doing so delivers better, speedier results. 

Traditional Braces

Severely misaligned teeth may not benefit from Invisalign treatment. Instead, traditional braces may be a better option.


Invisalign and traditional braces are both an investment of nearly equivalent value. Retainers preserve your smile-enhancing investment, so you can enjoy your brilliant, healthy smile longer.

Contact Us About Adult Orthodontics

At DentaCare Group, patients of all ages can receive quality, personalized care that enhances and preserves their oral function. Mature patients who are ready to explore their orthodontic options can request a consultation online here, or call our Edmonton dental office at (780) 428-6846.