How Long Do Dental Crowns Last? The Dental Crown Lifespan By Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky on May 04, 2020

White dental crown sits above prepped tooth in front of white backgroundDental crowns restore and protect damaged teeth. Our dentists commonly place ceramic caps following restorative treatments or to restore a tooth after dental trauma.

Dental crowns require an investment of time and money, so many patients rightfully have questions about how long the restoration will last before it needs to be replaced. To help our Edmonton, AB, patients understand the basics about the typical dental crown lifespan, we offer this overview. During your next visit to see your dentist, feel free to ask one of our dentists about how long dental crowns last.

Dental Crown Lifespan

Our Edmonton dental practice uses advanced technologies like CEREC® and digital scans to ensure that your dental crowns are long-lasting and cosmetically pleasing. Your custom crown will be milled inside our office. Once an automated diamond-tipped device mills your crown from a single block of medical-grade porcelain, the restoration will be placed using strong cement.

Due to the care and craftsmanship that goes into fabricating your crown, you can expect your crown to last 10 to 15 years on average. With proper aftercare, your crown can last 20 years or longer.

Factors that affect your dental crown lifespan include oral hygiene habits, diet, frequency of dental visits, and other factors.

Tips for Extending the Life of Your Dental Crown

Patients have an important role to play in maintaining their dental crowns. One of our dentists will advise on how to care for your crowns. By following their advice and the tips in this blog post, you can extend the lifespan of your crowns by several years.

Avoid Certain Habits

Do you chew on ice or use your teeth to tear open packages? Habits that can damage teeth can also damage or dislodge your dental crown. You should protect your crowns just like you would protect your natural teeth.

Bruxism leads to unconscious nighttime teeth grinding that can wear or damage your teeth. If one of our doctors finds signs of enamel wear, you can be treated so the unconscious habit does not damage your crowns.

Schedule Regular Dental Visits

Maintaining your crowns requires regular visits to our Edmonton, AB, dental practice. During your annual exam, one of our doctors will look for signs that your crown may be damaged. Digital images and our advanced T-Scan® technology can determine if your crown is damaged or interfering with your bite in any way.

If your crown is loose or damaged, it can cause tooth misalignment issues that can eventually lead to jaw pain.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Cleaning and caring for your dental crown is easy and straightforward. Simply brush your teeth as you normally do twice a day. Flossing around and under your crown can prevent tooth decay or gum disease. Oral hygiene habits are critical because the tooth underneath your crown is still susceptible to decay and disease.

Schedule Your Dental Crown Treatment Today

Dental crowns will not last forever. If your bite feels “off,” let one of our doctors know. A loose crown can be reattached in certain cases. A worn or damaged crown can be replaced through a straightforward procedure at our office.

To schedule your next visit, please contact our office online or call (780) 900-6435.

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