Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

The Benefits of Crowns in a Day

Jul 7, 2014 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Dental Crowns Cosmetic Dentistry

There are few dental treatments that have stood the test of time as well as dental crowns. For centuries, crowns of one sort or another have been used to restore form and function to teeth damaged by trauma or decay. Throughout the 20th century, the appearance and resilience of these crowns improved tremendously, especially as medical-grade porcelain emerged as one of the finest dental materials available. However, being fitted with high-quality, custom-crafted porcelain crowns meant enduring a waiting period while the crowns were being manufactured at an outside dental laboratory.

Thanks to advancements in dental technology, the 21st century dental patient no longer has to wait for crowns of the most surpassing standard to be customized, manufactured, and placed. Using the CEREC system at our dental practice in Edmonton, crowns in a day are now very much a reality. Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky is able to provide patients with exquisite, highly durable dental crowns while they wait in the office. They come in with damaged teeth and leave with beautiful, healthy, complete smiles.

Sound too good to be true? Read on…

Traditional Dental Crowns

There was a time when the placement of dental crowns required at least two office visits. During the first visit, the dentist would prepare the damaged tooth by removing areas that had been affected by decay or trauma and filing the tooth down to accommodate the crown. An impression would then be made of the tooth to be fitted with the crown. This impression, along with specifications provided by the dentist, would be sent to an outside dental laboratory, where the crown would be manufactured. The patient would be fitted with a temporary crown to wear during the week or longer that the permanent crown was being made. He or she would then return to the practice to have the crown bonded into place.

Benefits of CEREC® Same-day Dental Crowns

The CEREC® (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) system eliminates the need for an outside lab, along with the week or more waiting period that the patient must endure. CEREC® uses CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) technology to produce dental crowns of exceptional quality in the course of a single office appointment. Dr. Podilsky uses the CEREC® system to take digital impressions of the mouth and to design a three-dimensional model of the restoration. The CEREC® system then uses this model to mill the dental crown out of a solid ceramic block. Once the crown has been crafted, Dr. Podilsky places it in the mouth, making any final adjustments as necessary. The crown is then bonded into place, and the patient leaves our office with a restoration that looks, feels, and functions remarkably like a natural tooth.

It really is that simple. As a patient, you will benefit in many ways. You will:

Learn More about Crowns in a Day

To learn more about crowns in a day, made possible by CEREC®, or to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Podilsky, please contact our cosmetic, implant, and family dentistry practice today.