Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

What Are the Benefits of Pediatric Orthodontics?

Sep 17, 2021 @ 03:25 PM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Orthodontics

Parents come to us all the time with questions regarding pediatric orthodontics. They often wonder if their child is too old or too young to receive adjustments. They even wonder if their child needs braces at all. After all, they’re kids. Why do they need orthodontic treatment if they are still developing? These questions demonstrate a serious misunderstanding of what pediatric orthodontics is and why it benefits children. The real purpose of orthodontics is to correct bite and jaw alignment.

Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky has made this distinction to his patients in downtown Edmonton, AB, for over 37 years. He stresses that it’s never too early (or too late, for that matter) to begin orthodontic adjustments. In fact, most children have an initial exam at age seven. This is the perfect time in a child’s life to diagnose any malocclusions that might negatively affect the child in their development or as an adult.

Pediatric Orthodontics at a Glance

When the teeth and jaws meet correctly, it ensures optimal growth, nutrition, and oxygen intake for your child. Many of our Edmonton, AB,parents fall into the trap of thinking that their child’s teeth will simply “straighten out” as they get older. The reality is that leaving your child’s oral health to chance will likely lead to more expensive and complicated oral health issues later on.

Here’s how orthodontics can help your child now:

Preventative Orthodontic Measures

Your child’s bite sets the stage for their future oral health. That’s why it’s important to diagnose and treat issues as soon as there’s a problem.

An improper bite can cause your child’s adult teeth to become impacted or infected. An abnormal bite can also cause or contribute to headaches, teeth grinding (bruxism), TMJ disorders (TMD), tooth loss, and other chronic health issues. Fixing the bite early in life will save your child a future of ailments like those listed and save you treatment costs in the long run.

Reduced Risk of Tooth Decay

Crooked teeth and uneven bites lead to tooth decay. When teeth erupt at rotated or crooked angles, they can create pockets where bacteria, plaque, and food collect, causing cavities and periodontal disease. Moreover, a misaligned bite can actually cause the enamel of the teeth to erode, leading to discomfort and infection, not to mention lost teeth.

Promotes Healthy Nutrition

When we feel good, we tend to take better care of ourselves; it’s as simple as that. Misaligned bites can sometimes cause a child discomfort due to cracked teeth, tired jaws, and even pain when chewing.

A child who has constant trouble with their teeth and gums is unlikely to care for them. That means less brushing, flossing, and diminished interest in their oral health. As a parent, you should take your child’s dental health as seriously as you do your own.

Book a Consultation for Pediatric Orthodontics

Orthodontic adjustments can mean the difference between good health and ongoing dental issues in the future. If it’s time for your child’s first orthodontic evaluation or you would like to discuss how orthodontic care can benefit your family, contact Dr.Podilsky at our downtown Edmonton, AB, office. Reach us by calling (780) 428-6846 or by sending our team a message online to schedule your consultation.