Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Extend the Life of Your Dental Bridge with These Tips

Mar 3, 2020 @ 08:06 PM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Dental Bridges

Following tooth loss, a dental bridge can restore one or more consecutive lost teeth. At Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky’s practice in Edmonton, AB, we offer traditional and implant-supported bridges.

Following the placement of your dental bridge, you will need to take steps to protect and maintain your new prosthetic. Here we discuss the typical dental bridge lifespan and aftercare tips.

Dental Bridge Lifespan

The lifespan of a dental bridge varies from person to person depending on diet, oral hygiene habits, frequency of dental visits, bite balance, and other factors. On the low end, a bridge may last several years. Some patients retain their dental bridge for over 20 years. The average lifespan of a dental bridge is 15 years.

Other factors that determine the lifespan of a dental bridge include:

Advanced Technology for Longer-lasting Dental Bridges

You can trust our Edmonton doctors to use the latest technology and highest-quality materials when measuring and fabricating your dental bridge. Our office uses computer imaging software to plan your custom treatment. We also offer advanced CEREC® technology.

Following a digital scan of your mouth, the CEREC milling machine will fabricate your crown from a high-quality, solid block of porcelain while you wait. This advanced treatment option saves you precious time.

How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Bridge

To extend the lifespan of your bridge, patients should take steps to maintain their bridge while avoiding potentially damaging habits.

Treat Your Bridge Like Natural Teeth

Your dental bridge, whether it’s traditional or implant-supported, should be treated and cleaned just like your natural teeth. Brushing twice a day to remove plaque will keep your bridge looking beautiful. Good oral hygiene habits also ensure that the supportive structures remain healthy and strong.

Clean Beneath Your Bridge

You will want to carefully clean beneath your bridge at least once a day. Using a floss threader or water flosser can remove food particles and prevent gum disease.

Address Damaging Habits

Do you chew on ice or use your teeth to tear open packages? Those habits can damage or dislodge your dental bridge. Unaddressed teeth grinding can also wear or damage a dental bridge. If you wake up with sore jaws, you may have this unconscious habit.

Schedule Regular Visits to Our Edmonton Dental Practice

During your regular check-up visits, one of our doctors can check the stability and condition of your dental bridge. These visits are also a great time to tell a member of our dental team if your bite feels “off” or if you are experiencing any issues with your dental bridge.

Schedule Your Dental Bridge Consultation Today

Our office is proud to offer CEREC technology and dental implants. Tooth loss can make eating and speaking with ease difficult. A dental bridge provides a stable platform for natural-looking false teeth. To schedule your dental bridge consultation, please contact our office online or call (780) 900-6443.