Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Address Tooth Loss with Implant-supported Partial Dentures

Oct 19, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Dental Implants Dentures

The teeth work together and provide support to create a balanced, functional, attractive smile. If even one tooth is lost, the entire smile can suffer. When a large set of teeth is lost, the consequences are even greater. Partial dentures replace a set of missing teeth to restore oral functions and enhance the appearance of the smile.

While partial dentures are a practical solution for tooth loss, many people have concerns about their stability. Implant-supported dentures attach directly to the jaw to provide superior strength and security. Many of Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky’s Edmonton, AB, patients prefer implant-supported partial dentures over traditional dentures, because of the many benefits they provide.


Implant-supported dentures may be an ideal option for any patient who has lost a set of several teeth from either the upper or lower arch. To support dental implants, a patient needs to have a strong jawbone, so bone density and oral health are very important in determining dental implant candidacy for our Edmonton patients. However, even if a candidate lacks sufficient bone density, or has other oral health complications, Dr. Podilsky can provide restorative dentistry treatment and a bone graft so that implant-supported dentures are a viable option for his patients.

The Procedure

Dental implant treatment takes place in multiple stages. The first phase of treatment involves performing any necessary dental work to prepare the mouth for implant surgery. This may include restorative dentistry treatments, tooth extraction, or a bone graft.

The next step of dental implant treatment is the surgical placement of the dental implants. Small titanium screws will be placed directly in the jawbone during an oral surgery procedure. After the implants are placed, they must heal and fuse with the jawbone before the next phase of treatment can begin. It can take three to six months for implants to completely integrate with the jawbone.

To finalize dental implant treatment, Dr. Podilsky will take molds of the patient’s mouth so that custom partial dentures can be fabricated. Once the customized dentures are complete, they will be affixed to the dental implants. Each implant will contain a small metal post, or abutment, that the dentures bond to, creating a stable and comfortable fit.

Benefits of Implant-supported Partial Dentures

Most of our Edmonton patients choose implant-supported partial dentures over traditional partial dentures because of the unique benefits they provide. These are some of the most notable advantages of implant-supported partial dentures:

Learn More

If you have experienced substantial tooth loss and are considering implant-supported partial dentures, Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky would be happy to provide you with more information about this advanced tooth loss treatment. Send us a message to learn more, or call (780) 428-6846 to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.