Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky

Dental Crowns

Feb 2, 2013 @ 11:43 AM — by Dr. Nathaniel Podilsky
Tagged with: Dental Crowns Dental Restorations Restorative Dentistry Full Mouth Reconstruction

Both tooth decay and tooth damage can have major effects on the appearance of your smile as well as your overall dental health. Serious tooth damage can also result in major sensitivity, discomfort, and pain. One treatment option available from Dr. Podilsky that may alleviate these matters is the use of dental crowns. We'd like to take a moment right now to look at dental crowns and how they might be able to help you achieve the best possible results.

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are special, custom-crafted caps that fit over a damaged tooth. They serve different purposes. For one, they may protect the tooth from further damage or decay. Second, they increase the bite strength and the integrity of the tooth. Third, they may be able to eliminate any pain or sensitivity that a person experiences as a result of the tooth decay or tooth damage.

Best Candidates for Dental Crowns

The best candidates for dental crowns are patients with severe tooth damage or tooth decay that cannot be addressed with an inlay or onlay. The patient must have enough healthy tooth structure remaining to support the crown. If a dental crown is not a viable option for addressing the decay or damage, the tooth will need to be extracted. This determination will be made at our dentistry practice during the consultation process.

Types of Dental Crowns

Different types of dental crowns are available to meet the needs and desires of patients. The types of dental crowns used are:

The tooth being crowned and the tooth that the dental crown will come into contact with will determine the best type of crown to use for the patient. Aesthetic concerns will obviously be taken into account as well.

The Dental Crown Procedure

The dental crown procedure will first involve prepping the tooth. This means removing all damaged/compromised tooth material and leaving enough healthy tooth structure behind. An impression is then taken of the tooth from which the final dental crown will be crafted. Once the dental crown is ready, it is then carefully placed atop the prepped tooth.

Dental Crowns and Dental Implants

In addition to capping a decayed/damaged tooth, dental crowns can also be used to replace a missing tooth. Using Edmonton dental implants, an individual dental crown can be placed in the tooth gap, restoring the appearance of your smile. Candidacy for this treatment option will depend on the overall health of your jawbone and gum tissue.

Learn More About this type of Dental Care Treatment

For more information about all of your dental restoration options, be sure to contact our dentistry centre today. The entire team here is eager to meet you in person and help you achieve all of your dental health goals.